CAN 24-Bit Strain Gauge & Load Cell Amplifier


Here’s a small Batch of CAN 24-Bit Strain Gauge & Load Cell Amplifiers. 

This was – by far – the most challenging PCB we've ever designed. Mapping out and directing return currents from high-speed digital traces was imperative for us to reach our target RMS noise of 750 nanovolts at 100Hz in a mixed signal PCB. Variants of this PCB will be used in many more future projects (e.g., the laser ride height sensor), as 24-bit ADC’s have many practical applications.

In the future, we may offer a strain gauge mounting and calibration process, as we understand this isn’t a trivial task – though it's something every mechanical/civil engineer should know how to do. Strain gauges are incredibly useful and the list of their applications is endless. Knowledge is power; know how to leverage it accordingly, stop guessing, and start winning.